Often, when I look in a mirror, I see me
My own face reflected
Just the same as it is
No makeup, no fakes
All real
Then enters a woman, a Western Culture's pride
Long, flowing golden hair, luminous blue eyes
Skinny as a rail, save her chest.
But when she beholds the mirror, her true self is reflected
A mirror shows all
Imperfections large and small
Mirrors don't lie, but your eyes do
It's the reflection that shows the true you
Her hair was reflected as a murky brown
Her eyes the same, dull color
A skinny, petite frame
From head to toe
So maybe this mirror was a little special
Reflecting only what should be there
You can run
You can hide
But you'll never escape
What's inside
Enter your run of the mill, muscular man
Tantalizing tan, bulging muscles
But that mirror, that shiny piece of glass
Shows what's behind
His body of brass
Weak, pale, and scrawny
Only made attractive by
Western conveniences
Spray tans and steroids
What has become of this world?
When you look in the mirror, what do you see?
Does the 21st Century look back at you?
Or do you see yourself, pure and free?